Energy efficiency
We, at the Latvian Energy Efficiency Association, believe that energy efficiency is more than just adding insulation to houses: it is an extensive and interesting field. Energy. Society. Business. It includes the development of climate technologies, manufacturing, mobility and smart use of innovations.
We unite
Latea represents experts in various fields capable of handling complex challenges, both in business activities and in implementing various socially important projects.
We help
We act as a guide for our members and partners, helping them through the maze of Latvian and EU laws, challenges and opportunities.
We comply
Technology and product tests, industry quality standard compliance and certification are some of our priorities.
1 Representation of interests
Assistance for members and clients in working with government agencies
We help our members and partners in working with government agencies in energy efficiency, European Green Deal and related fields.

Assistance for members and clients in working with government agencies
We help our members and partners in working with government agencies in energy efficiency, European Green Deal and related fields.

Assistance for members and clients in working with government agencies
We help our members and partners in working with government agencies in energy efficiency, European Green Deal and related fields.

2 Know-how centre
Testing and certification of technologies and products
Testing and certification of the latest climate, energy-efficient materials and related technologies and products, preparation of technical specifications, expert reviews and all types of projects

Testing and certification
of technologies and products
Testing and certification of the latest climate, energy-efficient materials and related technologies and products, preparation of technical specifications, expert reviews and all types of projects.

Testing and certification
of technologies and products
Testing and certification of the latest climate, energy-efficient materials and related technologies and products, preparation of technical specifications, expert reviews and all types of projects.

3 Expertise
Experts in various fields capable of competently tackling complex challenges on a national and EU level.

Experts in various fields capable of competently tackling complex challenges on a national and EU level.

Experts in various fields capable of competently tackling complex challenges on a national and EU level.

who we are
Members of Latea include businesses from Latvia and other countries working in the fields of energy efficiency, climate and technology.
LATEA management board
The management board of LATEA, in charge of the organisation’s development, consists of 5 members, each with their own scope of competences. We are open to communication.

Raimonds Ķeirans

Māris Sproga

Ansis Avotiņš

Linda Zeltiņa